My daughter was the only one who expressed disappointment with missing one of our holiday rituals. We did not get to the tree farm this year. The timing was bad and we had only one Saturday open to get down there when something came up and we missed the chance. I really did not think it would be missed but she brought it up a couple of times so I know it did matter to her. I made a note of it in my mind for next year. We did have a tree artificial tree. It's just that most years we have one artificial tree and one or two smaller live trees in other rooms. She did not have anything special that she wanted for Christmas. Her big present was an IPod. She was a bit scared of it to start but she is starting to really like it. I am letting her dad work through the details with her. I think they need something to work on together.
My son was okay with the holidays as they were except that he would have liked to have gotten more NERF guns! Ha! At his age, he just turned 11, the boys are thrilled with NERF guns. He is pretty easy to please.
We spent Christmas day with my oldest sister S and her family. What a good time to see them all together. I did manage to reach my brother J and his wife P. We had lunch with them the day after Christmas. I was not able to reach my brother R. I left a message on his cell phone but I did not hear from him. Too bad because I like to see them at least once per year. Often I see R at the family reunion over Labor Day weekend but he did not go this year.
My niece J had a baby boy in December. Baby and mom are doing great. My sister J is living near by and helping with niece J's two children. Sister J is such a loving person and so good with kids. Of course, they are her grandkids so she is loving it very much. I wish they lived closer. We are contemplating a visit over the kids Easter break...yeah I said Easter break not Spring break. I hope we can work it out.
December was our big Christmas Dessert Theatre at church also. That took a lot of time and effort. It was worth every moment of it. I think we put on a great God honoring performance. The cast and crew were wonderful! Attendance grew from last years performance. We had almost 400 in attendance this year.
I have alot to be thankful why is there this let down after Christmas and New Years? I don't know but it doesn't usually last too long. I will snap out of it.
New Years resolutions? Not really, I have things I could list but I am just going to do what I can when I can and enjoy the journey.
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