We saw fireworks in a small town not far from home last night. They do a nice job every year. There is a display scheduled in the big city tonight but we chose to opt out. The weather was not cooperating as it drizzled all day.
We lazed about this morning since the rain cancelled Johnson's baseball practice. We had lunch about 2 pm at Flattop Grill...yum. Then we caught a movie, Ice Age 3. Funny stuff to Johnson especially. I heard a few sexual innuendoes that could easily have been left out and it would have been a really good family movie. Oh well, I wish Hollywood was more sensitive about that stuff but they are not.
We skipped supper and went straight for dessert at Chevy's Fresh Mex...yum again! We had guacamole with chips and salsa followed by Ooey Gooey Brownie and Sopapia. No, I don't know how to spell that stuff but I can eat it. LOL! Then we headed home. Good relaxing day!
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