I really enjoy hearing Dave Ramsey's common sense messages about finances on the radio.
Tired of hearing the fear, doom and gloom that’s filling the airwaves? It’s time to connect with families across the nation for a truly radical message—hope. Join
Dave Ramsey for a nationwide town hall meeting and discover what’s happening with the economy, how we got here, and where we’re going. Plus, Dave will answer your questions live throughout the event! Join us for this free event on April 23 at 8:00 p.m. EDT in one of the thousands of venues across the country as we stand together to reignite the fire of hope!In preparation for this event, we want to know what hope looks like to you. It can be your testimony, a song, painting, story, life-change in progress, scripture, pictures, video, book, person in your life—whatever it is, help us inspire our great nation with real hope!Your hope will help motivate people around the country through postings the Town Hall For Hope profiles on
Twitter and
I have been doing some crafting since my last post. I designed another name tag for another ladies meeting at church. This time it is for the IL/MO Ladies luncheon. The theme includes hearts so I used them on the name tag. I will put a picture up later. I ordered a replacement camera. Our old Casio Exilim was only about a year old. I turned it on and it said No stabilizer found and would not take pictures. We had purchased insurance for it...yeah...but the store had nothing comparable to exchange. I waited and waited for the new Casio Exilim to show up on the shelves but they still don't have it in. I decided to order it through EBay. Hope I don't regret it. It should be here this week. I will get some pictures taken after I get the new camera.
I also made several cards with butterflies over the last couple of weeks. I have given several away already. I will post those pictures as well. I used SU! Carousel Cards as the base for them. I punched out butterflies with my
Martha Stewart classic butterfly punch and I used Martha's circle cutter to create dp circles for layering. I used another
Martha Stewart doily lace edge punch on the corners to bring images of doilies to mind. I got these and other MS great punches with 40% off coupon at Michael's. I cut out the hearts with my Cricut Expression from SU! Candy Lane designer paper that I bought from Carrie Corey, my demonstrator.
I tried my ZIP dry paper glue. I have had it for several months and I don't remember for sure where I bought it. I am pretty sure I got it online though. I like dry tape dispensers very much. They are easy to carry around and are not messy like liquids. But they are not easy to use on small areas like butterfly wings. I bought this liquid glue to handle those small pieces. I had been using CTMH Liquid Glass but the top dries out and I have to carry a pin around to unplug it. I read that ZIP did not dry out as quickly so I tried it. It was good. I think the CMTH stuff is stronger and it does dry faster so I don't think ZIP will replace my Liquid Glass. I buy all my CTMH stuff from Brenda Olson, my demonstrator.
I also got out my new
ATG 714 gun with the ATG Gold acid free 1/4 inch tape. I gave it the ATG a work out making the name tags. It is big and at first it was ackward for me to use but I think I got the hang of it. I don't think I would carry it around but I will use it at home especially for items that I have large quantities to do. It is really a framers tool. The tape is stronger than my Tombow mono adhesive and would be ideal for making boxes, etc.
I had my little DVD player running the whole time I was crafting. We got this portable TV/DVD years ago to carry in the car to entertain the kids. It was a great investment. When we don't go on a long trip, it sits in my craft room to entertain me!
I bought some
Road to Avonlea DVD's for Christmas and I just love them! There were 7 seasons made that I know about. I have season 1,2, and 3 plus an Avonlea Christmas which was a special movie. Seeing the dresses and...oh, my the hats...they wore in that period of history (early 1900's) is wonderful. I enjoy the stories with their family friendly themes. The characters are fun and easy to love. I enjoy looking at the sets decorated for the period. Jim and I love old houses and these stories are filled with nothing but great old houses. Well, I finished the first 3 seasons so I Googled them and found seasons 4-7 for $35.00 each with free shipping on EBay from
buy. My kids, Hannah and Johnson, like the series as well so it is a good family movie choice. We may not always agree with choices made by the characters in the story line but we have good discussions about them. The episodes all show that there are consequences to our actions and we are responsible for making good choices. Isn't that good?!