
Whoooooooo loves you?

My son's Boy Scout Troop did some community work at a local church last night.  They helped with a Family Fun Fest that included a Trunk or Treat.  Here is our trunk!

I cannot accept credit for the idea of using owls and "Whooooo loves you?" as a very talented lady I know used a similar theme a couple of years ago at our church.  I put my own crafty cat spin on it though.

<^..^> Lori


Quick, fragrant and comforting...another delicious meal

I made ONE POT CHILI MAC AND CHEESE last night and it was very good.  Follow the link here to get the recipe.

The recipe was easy and flexible.  I used the whole can of both beans instead of having some left over.  I did add more tomatoes because I love using my garden grown tomatoes from the freezer.  And I had a 17 oz package of macaroni, so I used it and increased the liquid.  It was good and makes a pretty large pot of food.  So we have leftovers for lunches.  I love it.

<^..^> Lori