Well, I think my iPad 2 is back to functioning now where it was before 9/20/12 when iOS 6 came out. Netflix even works again. I think everyone was scrambling behind the scenes to fix issues with iOS 6 at Apple and the applications that run on Apple platform.
I got a message that an upgrade was out again yesterday on my iPad 2. I read the details and it seemed okay. I took the upgrade with some hesitation after all I have been through since iOS 6 came out. Hey, everything is still working! Hurray! I am so grateful that the upgrade was reasonable painless. I wonder if they fixed the problems caused by World Clock? I don't plan to open that application because it seemed to cause me all kinds of grief after going to iOS 6.
I still love my iPad 2. I saw the Apple Mini is out. I will check it out but I don't have plans to buy it. Although my kids would be happy to inherit my iPad 2 if I should decide to take the plunge. :)
<^..^> Lori
I wear many hats...joint heirs with Christ, wife to Jim, mother to Hannah and Johnson are at the top of my wardrobe. I retired after working 33 years for a grocery chain. I worked as our church secretary for a couple of years. I help with Awana Club, Ladies Missionary Fellowship, Vacation Bible School, Mission Trips, volunteer as needed at our church, and the local retirement home. The list goes on...just like you...I keep busy!
About Me
Apple ios 6 don't upgrade until they fix more of the bugs
In late February of this year I bought an iPad 2. I got it when the new generation came out and they reduced the price on iPad 2. It only took a couple of months for me to fall in love with it. Everything was working great. I learn something new every week. Then along came the Apple ios 6 upgrade. I wish I had waited to see the fallout before taking it. First it messed up my wifi. That meant no email, Skype, Safari, etc. a few days later wifi started working again. Then I had no connection to iTunes or the App Store. ICloud wasn't working, Netflix didn't work. A few days later some of the tabs like Purchased started working in the App Store. A few days later iTunes and all of the App Store were working. Next iCloud started working. I am still waiting for Netflix to work again. I have deleted the app and reloaded it but it still won't connect.
All the while my iMac is working fine. I can reach iTunes, iCloud, App store, and Netflix works like a charm. An upgrade popped up on it last week...I said NO. Who says an old chick can't learn from her mistakes?!
Our Apple TV stopped connecting to Netflix. An upgarde notice popped up. Since Netflix was already broken we took the upgrade hoping it would help. It didn't.
Oh Apple, your upgrade was really bad. I wish I had not taken it. I am pretty sure you will get it fixed but...man...this has been so annoying!
<^..^> Lori
All the while my iMac is working fine. I can reach iTunes, iCloud, App store, and Netflix works like a charm. An upgrade popped up on it last week...I said NO. Who says an old chick can't learn from her mistakes?!
Our Apple TV stopped connecting to Netflix. An upgarde notice popped up. Since Netflix was already broken we took the upgrade hoping it would help. It didn't.
Oh Apple, your upgrade was really bad. I wish I had not taken it. I am pretty sure you will get it fixed but...man...this has been so annoying!
<^..^> Lori
Organizing my stamps and supplies
I have so many stamps, punches, and other supplies that I cannot remember what I own. It's a blessing from The Lord to have all my crafty supplies but I feel awful that I don't use them as much as I could because I forgot what I had on hand. I have searched the blogs on organizational tips. I have seen some great stuff out there. For my stamps, I tried creating a three ring binder where I stamped on card stock and filed the pages alphabetically. I Thought I would go through the notebook when I as searching for the right sentiment. I did for awhile but then the notebook got heavier and I would forget to post some pictures of some stamps...well it wasn't ideal for me. I am trying something new and it is working for me so I decided to share. I have a Pinterest account. I created a board called "supplies that I own". I have started posting pictures with links to stamps that I own. It makes it so easy for me to search my stamps on my iPad. I love it. I am using more of my stamps in the process. I don't know if I will put all of my crafty supplies on Pinterest. I started adding my hand punches. I love having my stamp inventory at my finger tips. Let me know how you use Pinterest to organize or your iPad to organize your supplies.
<^..^> Lori
<^..^> Lori
Would you wear this t-shirt?
I am in the process of changing doctors. I want to use a local doctor so that I don't have to drive into the city. I have moved the kids over to this local medical group and my husband. I was the hold out. Ok, I must admit that I don't like to go to the doctor. I avoid it and overall I am blessed with reasonable good health.
As the nurse was asking me all the questions prior to my exam, she commented that I was in pretty good health. I was beaming inside but I was soon to have my bubble burst. She had a nurse in training with her that took my blood pressure as she was asking me questions. The young (and they are all young looking to me) nurse looked concerned and took my blood pressure again. Then she asked the experienced nurse to take it...yes it was high. I don't ever remember a time when my bp was not 120/80 and everyone up to this point was fine and dandy with it. But not in 2012! The scales have changed and that is now considered high. In truth, my bp this day was 131/118. Even I thought it was high but I didn't think it was the norm for me. But I know I had just returned from Brazil and we had VBS and I was feeling heavier than normal so I thought I just needed to get back in my normal routine to get my bp down. The doctor disagreed and immediately put me on a low dose of bp. I came back the next week and sure enough the bp was down to 118/88 but I am not convinced it is the medicine versus getting back to normal at home. Either way I am going to take the medicine for awhile then ask to be weaned off to see if it climbs again. I am aghast to think that I need a daily medicine! Not that I am super woman...I just think that means accepting that I am getting old. I know...silly of me, isn't it?!
Well this post wasn't supposed to be about my bp...it was about the other procedures I am expected to endure for this change in doctors. This week I had my first colonoscopy. You know it wasn't the procedure that was so bad...I hardly remember anything after the anesthesia was administered...it was the prep medicine you drink prior to the procedure that had me wishing I wasn't having a colonoscopy. I had but an every so tiny taste of what true sick people have to endure to get better. I have more empathy than ever for those people. I cannot imagine chemo or radiation or the borage of other medicinal procedures people endure every day to get better. God bless you all and you know who you are.
Well, my procedure did begin with some grins! At check in the nurse asked me what size t-shirt I wear. I instinctively asked why she needed to know that information? She said, "Because we are going to give you a t-shirt." I don't know why but I asked what was on it. My brain must have been working ahead of me. Because she showed me this t-shirt.
That is not so bad. But then she turned it to the back side (pun intended).
Tell me really? Would you wear this around town?
<^..^> Lori
As the nurse was asking me all the questions prior to my exam, she commented that I was in pretty good health. I was beaming inside but I was soon to have my bubble burst. She had a nurse in training with her that took my blood pressure as she was asking me questions. The young (and they are all young looking to me) nurse looked concerned and took my blood pressure again. Then she asked the experienced nurse to take it...yes it was high. I don't ever remember a time when my bp was not 120/80 and everyone up to this point was fine and dandy with it. But not in 2012! The scales have changed and that is now considered high. In truth, my bp this day was 131/118. Even I thought it was high but I didn't think it was the norm for me. But I know I had just returned from Brazil and we had VBS and I was feeling heavier than normal so I thought I just needed to get back in my normal routine to get my bp down. The doctor disagreed and immediately put me on a low dose of bp. I came back the next week and sure enough the bp was down to 118/88 but I am not convinced it is the medicine versus getting back to normal at home. Either way I am going to take the medicine for awhile then ask to be weaned off to see if it climbs again. I am aghast to think that I need a daily medicine! Not that I am super woman...I just think that means accepting that I am getting old. I know...silly of me, isn't it?!
Well this post wasn't supposed to be about my bp...it was about the other procedures I am expected to endure for this change in doctors. This week I had my first colonoscopy. You know it wasn't the procedure that was so bad...I hardly remember anything after the anesthesia was administered...it was the prep medicine you drink prior to the procedure that had me wishing I wasn't having a colonoscopy. I had but an every so tiny taste of what true sick people have to endure to get better. I have more empathy than ever for those people. I cannot imagine chemo or radiation or the borage of other medicinal procedures people endure every day to get better. God bless you all and you know who you are.
Well, my procedure did begin with some grins! At check in the nurse asked me what size t-shirt I wear. I instinctively asked why she needed to know that information? She said, "Because we are going to give you a t-shirt." I don't know why but I asked what was on it. My brain must have been working ahead of me. Because she showed me this t-shirt.
That is not so bad. But then she turned it to the back side (pun intended).
Tell me really? Would you wear this around town?
<^..^> Lori
2012 IncrediWorld Amazement Park
Our church VBS program this year was from the people at Answers in Genesis. It was called IncrediWorld Amazement Park.
It was the first time I had used their material for VBS. It was great stuff! Lots of details and ideas in their books. Here are some more of our decorations:
Lots of time put in by lots of people at our church went into the making of this VBS. I am always amazed at the talent God has given us.
Hannah taught a class with some of her teen friends.
Jim, Johnson, and I were in charge of the games this year. We are just completing an addition to our church so we had the use of the new gym! Yeah! It was wonderful!
We decorated the gym with houses to resemble what you would find in an amusement park. We had concessions, photo hut, souvenir shop, and a ticket booth.
On the last day of VBS we had a carnival in the gym complete with hotdogs, chips, and cookies. The kids had a great time this week learning about the incredible world made by the Lord in just 6 days!
<^..^> Lori
It was the first time I had used their material for VBS. It was great stuff! Lots of details and ideas in their books. Here are some more of our decorations:
Lots of time put in by lots of people at our church went into the making of this VBS. I am always amazed at the talent God has given us.
Hannah taught a class with some of her teen friends.
Jim, Johnson, and I were in charge of the games this year. We are just completing an addition to our church so we had the use of the new gym! Yeah! It was wonderful!
We decorated the gym with houses to resemble what you would find in an amusement park. We had concessions, photo hut, souvenir shop, and a ticket booth.
On the last day of VBS we had a carnival in the gym complete with hotdogs, chips, and cookies. The kids had a great time this week learning about the incredible world made by the Lord in just 6 days!
<^..^> Lori
My belated June blog post...we spent 15 days in Brazil
It is almost a blur...it was crazy to get ready to leave the country, then it was stressing me to pack, then we were on a plane (actually 4 planes to get there) to Crato, Brazil on a missionary trip 6/4-6/19/12. It was our first out of the country missionary trip. Jim and I plus our 2 kids and 5 others from our church went on this trip.
It was different that I expected in some ways. I didn't expect it to be so physically challenging. The whole trip was eye opening for us all. We discovered that we take a huge amount of rights for granted in the USA and that was a good lesson.
God loves people of all colors and shapes and sizes around the world even people that speak other languages than we do. LOL! We learned a little Portuguese in our 15 days there.
We helped white-wash this parsonage (inside and out).
White-washing is the most messy project I have ever done.
We laughed in the middle of all that work...a merry heart is good medicine. I had white-wash on me from head to toe. It turns out lime is not so good for the skin. I am still nursing a sore spot on one finger.
We landscaped in front of the chapel with the most crude tools.
To turn this pile of compacted hard red clay that they call dirt
into this
We did street evangelism in Ouricuri Brazil. Hosted a couples breakfast there. We gave the men a chocolate heart shaped favor to take home. We gave the ladies a fabric heart with cinnamon potpourri in the center to take home. See I did get some crafting done in Brazil.
We spent time in 6 different churches ministering with music, teaching, and testimonies of how Christ changed our lives.
We chased toads out of the house where we were sleeping. We shared our bedrooms with lizards and various other bugs. We ate rice and beans and then beans and rice with the Seminary students. We shared wonderful meals with missionaries our church supports who have dedicated their lives to bringing the Gospel message to the Brazil people. We drank gallons of warm water. We travelled over hundreds of speed bumps in the roads. We avoided hundreds but not all of the pot-holes in the roads. We saw the sun rise at 6 am and set at 6 pm every day because we were so close to the equator. We got to see the southern cross constellation in the sky. We met spider monkeys in the trees. We ate freshly picked bananas, guava, papaya, and passion fruit. We ate avocados that were so big they looked comical to us. We learned to travel in groups for safety at night. We learned why every home had a wall around it along with other protective measures. We learned to live without some things we thought we couldn't do without...like TV.
It was good to go there and good to get home.
<^..^> Lori
It was different that I expected in some ways. I didn't expect it to be so physically challenging. The whole trip was eye opening for us all. We discovered that we take a huge amount of rights for granted in the USA and that was a good lesson.
God loves people of all colors and shapes and sizes around the world even people that speak other languages than we do. LOL! We learned a little Portuguese in our 15 days there.
We helped white-wash this parsonage (inside and out).
White-washing is the most messy project I have ever done.
We laughed in the middle of all that work...a merry heart is good medicine. I had white-wash on me from head to toe. It turns out lime is not so good for the skin. I am still nursing a sore spot on one finger.
We landscaped in front of the chapel with the most crude tools.
To turn this pile of compacted hard red clay that they call dirt
into this
We did street evangelism in Ouricuri Brazil. Hosted a couples breakfast there. We gave the men a chocolate heart shaped favor to take home. We gave the ladies a fabric heart with cinnamon potpourri in the center to take home. See I did get some crafting done in Brazil.
We spent time in 6 different churches ministering with music, teaching, and testimonies of how Christ changed our lives.
We chased toads out of the house where we were sleeping. We shared our bedrooms with lizards and various other bugs. We ate rice and beans and then beans and rice with the Seminary students. We shared wonderful meals with missionaries our church supports who have dedicated their lives to bringing the Gospel message to the Brazil people. We drank gallons of warm water. We travelled over hundreds of speed bumps in the roads. We avoided hundreds but not all of the pot-holes in the roads. We saw the sun rise at 6 am and set at 6 pm every day because we were so close to the equator. We got to see the southern cross constellation in the sky. We met spider monkeys in the trees. We ate freshly picked bananas, guava, papaya, and passion fruit. We ate avocados that were so big they looked comical to us. We learned to travel in groups for safety at night. We learned why every home had a wall around it along with other protective measures. We learned to live without some things we thought we couldn't do without...like TV.
It was good to go there and good to get home.
<^..^> Lori
Mother Daughter Honeybee Tea Party 5/19/12
Well my goal is still to post once per month. I am just a bit behind. I am going to try to catch up May, June, and July this week though.
In May our church held a Mother Daughter Honeybee Tea Party.
Here are a few pictures of the event:
We had a craft for the younger girls. They used yellow ink pads to make a thumb print on the white paper. Then they added bee parts to turn their thumb print into a bee. We had pre-made paper frames to slide the white paper in to frame it. A nice take home favor for the girls.
Fruit arranged as sunflowers.
Honeycomb cereal, nuts, pretzels, raisins to make a sweet trail mix. Cupcakes decorated as bee hives. And not pictured but we had 2 sunflower cakes that were yummy. My friend, Sandy, makes them. She puts a yellow single layer cake in the center. She frosts it with chocolate frosting. Then she places unwrapped Twinkies around the cake so they look like flower petals. She arranges lots of chocolate chips on the frosted cake so they look like the center of the sunflower. Sandy also puts some chocolate syrup on the Twinkies, not a lot mind you, just a swirl or two. If I find a picture, I will post it later. I think I have one from another event at the church.
<^..^> Lori
In May our church held a Mother Daughter Honeybee Tea Party.
Here are a few pictures of the event:
We had a craft for the younger girls. They used yellow ink pads to make a thumb print on the white paper. Then they added bee parts to turn their thumb print into a bee. We had pre-made paper frames to slide the white paper in to frame it. A nice take home favor for the girls.
Fruit arranged as sunflowers.
Honeycomb cereal, nuts, pretzels, raisins to make a sweet trail mix. Cupcakes decorated as bee hives. And not pictured but we had 2 sunflower cakes that were yummy. My friend, Sandy, makes them. She puts a yellow single layer cake in the center. She frosts it with chocolate frosting. Then she places unwrapped Twinkies around the cake so they look like flower petals. She arranges lots of chocolate chips on the frosted cake so they look like the center of the sunflower. Sandy also puts some chocolate syrup on the Twinkies, not a lot mind you, just a swirl or two. If I find a picture, I will post it later. I think I have one from another event at the church.
<^..^> Lori
Cricut offer Buy 3 Get 1 Free offer 4/1/12-5/15/12
I saw Cricut and Michael's are offering a buy 3 Cricut cartridges get 1 free. Of course they are charging $9.99 postage and handling so it really isn't quite so free. But still here is the link for those who don't have enough cartridges yet.
P.S. I did get my Imagine replaced! Yeah! Torrie was my customer service associate from Provocraft. She was fabulous. I told them about her excellent customer service.
<^..^> Lori
P.S. I did get my Imagine replaced! Yeah! Torrie was my customer service associate from Provocraft. She was fabulous. I told them about her excellent customer service.
<^..^> Lori
Provocraft gave me good customer service
Yesterday, I had a great experience with customer service at Provocraft for my Imagine. I decided to share it here with you.
I have owned the Cricut Imagine for almost 1 1/2 years. I was really used to using the Cricut Design Studio to create projects then cut them with my Expression. I love CDS. Being able to see my projects on the computers big screen vs the small screen my Expression or my Gypsy (told you I loved Provocraft) was such a blessing for my eyes. Imagine doesn't work with CDS but they were promising the launch of Cricut Craft Room which would replace CDS and work with the Imagine. So I succumbed to the print and cut features offered by the Imagine and purchased it. Technically I purchased it but my husband said it was my Christmas present. He isn't good at going out to buy me items but he lets me pick them out and I am (mostly) okay with it. LOL!
My Imagine has given me some issues since I purchased it. Nothing major but just enough to frustrate me. Upgrades have helped but they do not always fix my problem. Sometimes they even make a new problem. I would have complained more but I have the Cricut Expression. I have owned it since the Expression first came out. I use it a lot for home, work, school, and church projects. Whenever I was having a problem with the Imagine, I always had a fall back so I didn't push Provocraft for a solution. I just used the Expression waiting for the next Imagine upgrade to come out. Well, in December 2011, I took an upgrade to the Imagine that gave me a bug I couldn't accept. The machine wouldn't pull the mat all the way in so that the mat could fit under the roller bar for cutting. The blade housing would come out and ram into the side of the mat and make a horrible noise until I physically pulled the mat out the back side. I couldn't use it at all. It was the middle of the holidays and I had too many irons in the fire to fiddle with my Imagine so I powered it off and used my Expression again.
I found time to call Provocraft Friday 3/16/12. The representative, Michelle, was most helpful. She had me upgrade the Imagine to the latest version of firmware that had come out 2012. She didn't stay on the line with me as upgrades take a lot of time. I completed it Friday night but the problem didn't go away.
I looked at the Provocraft knowledge base and found some information on the firmware that was showing on my Imagine.
It said the 201C meant the machine had to be replaced. Replaced! Oh my! Whoa! I was having a hard time understanding what would cause the firmware to say it needed replaced. I decided that I had nothing to loose so I reformatted and reloaded all of the Imagine software. I ended up with the same firmware code.
Monday 3/19/12 I called Provocraft again. The representative, Tory, agreed that the unit needed replaced. She was very kind and helpful. She took my information and sent me a FedEx warranty replacement return label. She is having the unit shipped to her so she can set it up then she will ship it to me. I was very moved by her kind manner and helpfulness. Thank you Tory!
I have received the FedEx return label. I am packing my unit up to be shipped out this week. I wanted to thank Provocraft for the way they are standing behind their product and the high customer service level that I received.
<^..^> Lori
I have owned the Cricut Imagine for almost 1 1/2 years. I was really used to using the Cricut Design Studio to create projects then cut them with my Expression. I love CDS. Being able to see my projects on the computers big screen vs the small screen my Expression or my Gypsy (told you I loved Provocraft) was such a blessing for my eyes. Imagine doesn't work with CDS but they were promising the launch of Cricut Craft Room which would replace CDS and work with the Imagine. So I succumbed to the print and cut features offered by the Imagine and purchased it. Technically I purchased it but my husband said it was my Christmas present. He isn't good at going out to buy me items but he lets me pick them out and I am (mostly) okay with it. LOL!
My Imagine has given me some issues since I purchased it. Nothing major but just enough to frustrate me. Upgrades have helped but they do not always fix my problem. Sometimes they even make a new problem. I would have complained more but I have the Cricut Expression. I have owned it since the Expression first came out. I use it a lot for home, work, school, and church projects. Whenever I was having a problem with the Imagine, I always had a fall back so I didn't push Provocraft for a solution. I just used the Expression waiting for the next Imagine upgrade to come out. Well, in December 2011, I took an upgrade to the Imagine that gave me a bug I couldn't accept. The machine wouldn't pull the mat all the way in so that the mat could fit under the roller bar for cutting. The blade housing would come out and ram into the side of the mat and make a horrible noise until I physically pulled the mat out the back side. I couldn't use it at all. It was the middle of the holidays and I had too many irons in the fire to fiddle with my Imagine so I powered it off and used my Expression again.
I found time to call Provocraft Friday 3/16/12. The representative, Michelle, was most helpful. She had me upgrade the Imagine to the latest version of firmware that had come out 2012. She didn't stay on the line with me as upgrades take a lot of time. I completed it Friday night but the problem didn't go away.
I looked at the Provocraft knowledge base and found some information on the firmware that was showing on my Imagine.
It said the 201C meant the machine had to be replaced. Replaced! Oh my! Whoa! I was having a hard time understanding what would cause the firmware to say it needed replaced. I decided that I had nothing to loose so I reformatted and reloaded all of the Imagine software. I ended up with the same firmware code.
Monday 3/19/12 I called Provocraft again. The representative, Tory, agreed that the unit needed replaced. She was very kind and helpful. She took my information and sent me a FedEx warranty replacement return label. She is having the unit shipped to her so she can set it up then she will ship it to me. I was very moved by her kind manner and helpfulness. Thank you Tory!
I have received the FedEx return label. I am packing my unit up to be shipped out this week. I wanted to thank Provocraft for the way they are standing behind their product and the high customer service level that I received.
<^..^> Lori
Crock Pot Santa Fe Chicken
I read on Melissa's blog about a crock pot recipe she was making that day. I followed her link to the recipe for this

I made it and it was delicious. Just spicy enough to satisfy. My husband and daughter loved it. My son was eating pizza with his band friends after a concert so he didn't try it. He likes his food to stay separate anyway. You know...not have the veggies touch each other. LOL! So this type of food doesn't look good to him. He would prefer a plain bowl of the rice instead.
<^..^> Lori

I made it and it was delicious. Just spicy enough to satisfy. My husband and daughter loved it. My son was eating pizza with his band friends after a concert so he didn't try it. He likes his food to stay separate anyway. You know...not have the veggies touch each other. LOL! So this type of food doesn't look good to him. He would prefer a plain bowl of the rice instead.
<^..^> Lori
Can you help me Jessica Sprague?
Well, I have decided to try my hand at some digital scrapbooking. I was going to start with the CTMH digital scrapbooking program. It has some hefty yearly subscription fees. I am so behind on any scrapbooking that I may need the quick approach. But for now I decided to purchase Adobe Photoshop. I am using a Jessica Sprague tutorial class called Up and Running to get started. Here is my first page.
I see the flaws but I did get a page completed. The photos need tweaking for light and dark contrast. I used a quick flat file that came in the tutorial so the colors are not what I would have chosen for these photos. But it is done. Sigh.
<^..^> Lori
I see the flaws but I did get a page completed. The photos need tweaking for light and dark contrast. I used a quick flat file that came in the tutorial so the colors are not what I would have chosen for these photos. But it is done. Sigh.
<^..^> Lori
cased a card from Lime Doodle
Loved this card from Lime Doodle so I cased it using some of the Background Basics Retro PTI stamps and Hurray Bouquet CTMH stamps that I have on hand. The flower is from Michaels and so is the bling.
I decided to add something to the inside of the card. I don't do much of that normally.
All supplies for this card were from SU! that I got on clearance in 2011.
<^..^> Lori
Then I also made this card.
I decided to add something to the inside of the card. I don't do much of that normally.
All supplies for this card were from SU! that I got on clearance in 2011.
<^..^> Lori
Valentine Favors 2012
I love to package up holiday treats that I collect through the year and give them to friends or workers at my church. I don't physically live close to my family or my husband's family. I don't like to pay the postage to send items that I got so frugally in the first place. The postage can easily double or triple the price of the gift. When we visit family, we try to take them out to eat or I bring a gift that I can hand deliver. Much better for our budget. Not as much fun though!
Here is some packaging for Valentine magnets I got on clearance at the local gift shop, some Hallmark Valentine pins I got at the same shop, and some candy I found last week in the $1 bin at Target.
The pink bags came from www.clearbags.com. The doilies were from...I don't remember but I got them off the web. The stickers are K&C Stitched Adornments. The Valentine Ribbon came from Michael's.
The coasters came from a clearance sale somewhere last year, possibly Michael's. I used some Michael's clothespin hearts, jute, and SU! Chocolate Ribbon to decorate them. The paper wrap around the candy boxes is SU! that I got on clearance.
<^..^> Lori
Here is some packaging for Valentine magnets I got on clearance at the local gift shop, some Hallmark Valentine pins I got at the same shop, and some candy I found last week in the $1 bin at Target.
The pink bags came from www.clearbags.com. The doilies were from...I don't remember but I got them off the web. The stickers are K&C Stitched Adornments. The Valentine Ribbon came from Michael's.
The coasters came from a clearance sale somewhere last year, possibly Michael's. I used some Michael's clothespin hearts, jute, and SU! Chocolate Ribbon to decorate them. The paper wrap around the candy boxes is SU! that I got on clearance.
<^..^> Lori
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