Last night a group of us put on a baby shower for a sweet lady at church. This is Christy's first pregnancy and she is in the home stretch. She got so many lovely outfits. We used a tea party as our theme. Priscilla, Gloria, Erin, and Jennifer were my partners in this adventure. We used real tea cups and tea pots. Priscilla put a sweet baby quilt on every table as part of the decoration. The quilts were all great but the one her sister made that was based on the readers Dick and Jane was my favorite. I loved those readers as a child.
The dishes were just so much fun. We had plates of cucumber sandwiches and cream puffs and little cookies on each table. Priscilla put those together for the tables. Erin and Jennifer made a yellow cake with pink and white icing. They topped it with a couple of Boyds Bear statues.
The gifts were all nice but my heart was touched when Christy's mom gave her some items from Christy's childhood. Lovely old baby outfits, shaw, afghan from a grandma. Real history for the new baby...who is going to be called Abigail wear.
Chrisy's mom gave a lovely devotional for lack of a better word to call it. She wrote a loving letter to baby Abigail. Very touching to hear her read it.
Abigail is due in a couple of weeks so I will keep Christy in my prayers daily because God is faithful to hear my prayers. He will keep them in His loving hands.
I made a name banner for the wall and cut some tea pots out for decorations on the cake table. Christy took the banner home to decorate the nursery. Her colors were chocolate brown and pink. Great combination! I used the scraps to make 2 scrapbook pages as part of my gift to Abby.
Gloria was such a trooper. She did whatever was asked in the preparation of the tea and she washed dishes and help clean it all up at the end. I have some great friends through our church and Gloria is one of them.
Even ladies that could not come to the shower sent gifts to Christy and Abby. That is such an encouragement! Don't let an opportunity to bless someone else pass you by...participate in your church events!